Children’s Book Reviews | Submission Guidelines
Thanks so much for considering me to review your children’s book! My goal is to highlight high-quality children’s books written by lesser-known authors – books you might not see featured in the window display of Barnes and Noble but would love if you read them!
My seven-year-old and I will read each book submitted and provide an honest review, which I will post to my website (, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, and BookBub. You may use the review in any way you’d like for marketing purposes! In return, I ask that you mail me a physical copy of your book so that we can review it and then include it in a book bundle giveaway to review readers.
If I am unable to provide a positive review or am morally opposed to the subject matter, I will refrain from reviewing your title and will donate the book instead. Please note I am unable to ship submitted books back to the author, whether we review them or not.
If you are interested in having your children’s book reviewed, please email me at [email protected] to request my mailing address to send your book.

All the best,