When I first learned I was having a daughter, I wondered how I could teach her to be strong.
In our culture’s pursuit of equality for women (an important cause!), we’ve pushed women to be strong enough to compete with and even replace men in most facets of life. But that’s not the kind of strength I wanted to teach, since I’ve witnessed the results – women (myself included) running their physical and mental health into the ground in an attempt to shatter glass ceilings, care for their families, maintain picture-perfect homes, volunteer in their communities, and remain in shape, well-dressed, and agreeable as they do it all.
No, I wanted to raise a daughter who was strong enough to stand up for herself and to endure any trial with God’s help. I wanted her to feel comfortable setting boundaries with others and confident pursuing her passions, whether they were conventional or not. And in a world that tells her she has to do all the things, and to everyone’s liking, I wanted her to feel okay about saying no to activities that would trash her mental health and well-being.
And so…I looked to the strong women in the Bible.
These women of scripture offer a godly perspective on what it means to be a strong woman. By studying their stories, and their character, we can better understand what God has called us to as wives, mothers, employees, students, and people.
Prototypes of Strength
The Bible offers loads of examples of strong women. In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, these women demonstrate courage and faith in a wide variety of times and circumstances.
The Valor of Old Testament Women
The Old Testament highlights the bravery of both young girls and older women.
Eve, the first woman, faced life outside Eden with strength. Sarah trusted God’s promise of a child in her old age.
Deborah stands out as a prophet and the only female judge in Israel’s history. The story of Deborah leading the people of Israel to victory in battle demonstrates how God can use women in leadership.
Queen Esther risked her life to save her people. She used wisdom and courage to stop a plot against the Jews.
These brave women of the Old Testament trusted the Word of God. They acted with faith and courage when faced with insurmountable odds.
New Testament Figures of Fortitude
The New Testament offers strong women of fortitude to inspire us!
Mary of Nazareth, mother of Jesus Christ, said yes to God’s plan. She faced the judgment of others, yet remained faithful to playing a pivotal role in the history of Christianity.
Mary Magdalene remained with Jesus at the cross and was not only the first woman, but the first person to see him after he rose. Her loyalty and faith were unshakeable.
Priscilla taught others about Jesus Christ. She and her husband played a pivotal role in helping Paul spread the gospel.
Lydia was a successful businesswoman. She opened her home to Paul and supported the early church.
These biblical women of the New Testament show you can be both strong and faithful. They each played a huge part in God’s plan.
Leading Ladies: Judges and Queens
The Word of God tells amazing stories of strong women who led nations and saved their people. Each of these brave ladies showed great wisdom and courage during a difficult time.
Deborah’s Story of Leadership in Israel
In the book of Judges, we learn that Deborah was the only female judge to rule Israel. The people of Israel came to her for help and advice.
Deborah was also a prophet, speaking God’s words to the people.
When Israel was in danger, Deborah called for army general Barak to lead the army into battle. But Barak insisted he would only go to war if she joined him.
Deborah agreed but warned him that a woman would receive all the glory for their victory…and she did! Deborah’s wisdom and faith helped save the people of Israel from their enemies.
Esther’s Courage in Persia
The story of Queen Esther is so exciting and full of twists that they dedicated an entire book of the Bible to it – the book of Esther!
Esther was a Jewish girl who became queen of Persia. The Persian king chose her for her beauty, not realizing she was a Jewish woman.
When her cousin Mordecai informed her of a plan to kill all of the Jews, Queen Esther had no choice but to be brave.
She risked her life to go to the king without being called. This was against the rules and could have led to her death.
Through a series of cunning plans, Queen Esther helped the Persian king see the depravity of the plan and find a way to work around the royal verdict.
Miraculous Mothers
God chose special women to be mothers in extraordinary ways. These moms showed great faith and courage in the face of impossible situations.
Sarah’s Faith and Motherhood
Sarah became a mother when she was very old. God promised Abraham and Sarah a son, but they had to wait many years for God to fulfill his promise.
Can you imagine waiting decades for a baby? Sarah laughed when she heard she’d have a child at 90 years old!
But God kept His promise. Sarah gave birth to Isaac, whose name means “laughter.”
Sarah’s story shows that God can do miracles even when things seem impossible.
You might face a difficult time when your dreams feel out of reach. Remember Sarah’s faith and how God blessed her for it!
Jochebed’s Protection of Moses
Jochebed lived in a nightmarish time for Hebrew moms. Pharaoh had called for the death of all newborn Hebrew boys, but Jochebed bravely hid her son Moses for three months.
Can you imagine the fear she must have felt every time her baby cooed or cried? How she must have been watching over her shoulder every second of the day?
When she couldn’t hide him anymore, Jochebed devised a plan.
She placed baby Moses in a basket and floated him on the Nile River. His sister hid in the reeds to see what would happen.
Pharaoh’s daughter (another strong woman!) found Moses floating in the basket and was moved with compassion. She decided to adopt him.
The baby’s sister ran out from her hiding place to ask if Pharaoh’s daughter would like her to find one of the Hebrew women to be his nurse. In a twist that only God could coordinate, Jochebed was able to nurse and care for her own son under the protection of Pharaoh’s daughter!
Your brave choices can change lives, just like Jochebed’s did. She protected her son, who grew up to lead God’s people out of Egypt.
Hannah’s Prayer and Obedience
Hannah (whose story is found in the first two chapters of the book of 1 Samuel) struggled with infertility for years, causing her great distress and grief.
During a visit to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the Lord, Hannah went into the temple and prayed fervently, weeping bitterly. She made a vow to God, promising that if He granted her a son, she would dedicate the child to His service for all the days of his life.
God answered Hannah’s prayer and she conceived and gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel, meaning “asked of God.” True to her vow, once Samuel was weaned, Hannah took him to the temple and dedicated him to the Lord’s service.
After dedicating Samuel, Hannah prayed a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving, often referred to as Hannah’s Song, which is recorded in 1 Samuel 2:1-10:
The Lord has filled my heart with joy.
He has made me strong.
I can laugh at my enemies.
I’m so glad he saved me.There isn’t anyone holy like the Lord.
There isn’t anyone except him.
There isn’t any Rock like our God.Don’t keep talking so proudly.
Don’t let your mouth say such proud things.
The Lord is a God who knows everything.
He judges everything people do.The bows of great heroes are broken.
But those who trip and fall are made strong.
Those who used to be full have to work for food.
But those who used to be hungry aren’t hungry anymore.
The woman who couldn’t have children has seven of them now.
But the woman who has had many children is sad now because hers have died.The Lord causes people to die. He also gives people life.
He brings people down to the grave. He also brings people up from death.
The Lord makes people poor. He also makes people rich.
He brings people down. He also lifts people up.
He raises poor people up from the trash pile.
He lifts needy people out of the ashes.
He lets them sit with princes.
He gives them places of honor.The foundations of the earth belong to the Lord.
On them he has set the world.
He guards the paths of his faithful servants.
But evil people will lie silent in their dark graves.People don’t win just because they are strong.
Those who oppose the Lord will be totally destroyed.
The Most High God will thunder from heaven.
The Lord will judge the earth from one end to the other.He will give power to his king.
He will give honor to his anointed one.
Hannah’s story is a testament to her faith, perseverance, and devotion to God, highlighting the power of prayer and the importance of fulfilling one’s promises to God.
Women of Wisdom and Worship
The Word of God also features women who showed great wisdom and devotion. Their stories teach us about faith, service, and spiritual growth.
Mary of Nazareth’s Exemplary Life
Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus, offers a model of faith and obedience.
When an angel told her she would give birth to the Son of God, she accepted with trust. Her response, “I am the Lord’s servant,” shows her deep faith.
We can learn from Mary’s humility and strength.
She faced many challenges, including an unexpected pregnancy and seeing her son crucified. Yet, she remained faithful to God’s plan.
Mary’s wisdom shines in her Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55), a song of praise to God:
My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.
Her words continue to inspire believers today.
Mary and Martha of Bethany
The sisters Martha and Mary of Bethany offer different approaches to serving Jesus. You might relate to one or both of their styles.
Martha worked hard to serve Jesus when he visited.
She focused on practical tasks and hospitality. You may admire her dedication and willingness to work.
Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to his teaching.
Jesus praised her for choosing “what is better.” This shows the value of spending time in God’s presence.
Both sisters loved Jesus deeply. Their story teaches us about balancing active service with quiet worship and so combining Martha’s diligence with Mary’s devotion in our own lives.
Supporting the Savior
Christ Jesus had many loyal followers who stood by him through his ministry and crucifixion.
These women showed great faith and courage in supporting Christ despite the risks. Their actions set an example for all of God’s people.
Mary Magdalene’s Dedication
Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ most devoted followers.
After Jesus healed her, she traveled with him and supported his ministry. She also stayed with him during his crucifixion when many fled.
Mary was the first to see the risen Christ. Her unwavering faith made her a key witness to the resurrection.
You can learn from her loyalty and courage in standing by Jesus, even in dark times.
Other Faithful Women Around Jesus
Many other women played important roles in Jesus’ life and ministry.
His mother Mary said yes to God’s plan with great faith. Anna the prophetess recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was just a baby.
Women like Mary and Martha opened their homes to Jesus. Others provided financial support for his ministry.
These women showed great devotion by:
- Following Jesus from town to town
- Caring for his practical needs
- Standing by the cross during his crucifixion
- Preparing his body for burial
Their faithful service reminds you that everyone has an important part to play in God’s work.

Redefining Widowhood
Widowhood in the Bible often reveals stories of resilience and faith. These accounts show how biblical women overcame loss to become powerful figures in their communities.
Ruth’s Devotion to Naomi
After her husband’s death, Ruth chose to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi. This conscious decision to place her mother-in-law’s welfare over her own changed her life forever.
Ruth left her homeland to follow Naomi to Bethlehem.
There, she worked hard in the fields to support both of them. Her dedication caught the eye of Boaz, a wealthy relative.
Ruth’s story teaches us about love, loyalty, and commitment.
Through her eventual marriage to Boaz, Ruth became an ancestor of both King David and Jesus Christ. Her tale shows how faith and hard work can lead to unexpected blessings.
The Resourceful Widow in Kings
In the book of 2 Kings, chapter 4, you’ll find a story about a widow facing debt. Her late husband was a prophet but she was left with nothing and so turned to Elisha for help.
Elisha asked what she had at home. She only had a small jar of oil.
He told her to borrow empty jars from neighbors and fill them with her oil.
Miraculously, the oil kept flowing until all of the jars were full. The widow then sold the oil to pay her debts and support her family.
This story shows us how God can multiply our resources in times of need.
Unsung Heroes: Women Who Saved Lives
The Bible tells of brave women who risked everything to protect others. These heroes stood up to powerful rulers and defied unjust laws to save innocent lives.
The Hebrew Midwives’ Defiance
You might not know about Shiphrah and Puah, two Hebrew midwives who saved many babies in the book of Exodus, chapter one.
During a very difficult time, Pharaoh ordered them to kill all newborn Hebrew boys they delivered.
But these brave women instead chose to do the right thing. They refused to follow the cruel order and allowed the baby boys to live.
When Pharaoh demanded to know why, they cleverly said Hebrew women gave birth too quickly for them to arrive in time. Their courage saved countless lives.
God blessed Shiphrah and Puah for their actions. They showed that standing up for what’s right, even when it’s scary, can make a huge impact.
The Daughter of Pharaoh’s Compassion
We’ve already talked about Jochebed and Moses, but do you know about the woman who saved him as a baby? Pharaoh’s daughter risked her life to rescue him.
When she found baby Moses in a basket on the Nile River, she knew he was a Hebrew child. Even though her father wanted all Hebrew boys killed, she chose to save him instead.
She adopted Moses as her own son.
This brave act of kindness changed history. Without her compassion, Moses wouldn’t have grown up to lead the Israelites to freedom.
Her story reminds us that one person’s choice to show love can have a huge impact. You never know how your kindness might change someone’s life!
Spiritual Mentors and Leaders
The Bible shows us powerful women who guided others with wisdom and faith. These spiritual mentors and leaders played key roles in shaping Israel’s history and faith.
Huldah’s Prophetic Authority
You might not know much about Huldah, but she was a respected prophetess in ancient Israel.
When King Josiah needed guidance in 2 Kings 22, he turned to Huldah for her divine insight. She spoke God’s words with authority and courage.
Huldah’s prophecy led to big changes in Israel! She told the king that God would punish the people for turning away from Him but she also said Josiah would be spared because of his faithful heart.
Her words sparked a revival in Israel. Josiah destroyed false idols and renewed the people’s commitment to God.
Huldah’s story demonstrates that women can be powerful spiritual leaders when they boldly speak the truth.
Miriam’s Role in Israel’s Journey
Remember Moses’ sister, who watched him from the reeds of the Nile River? Did you know his sister was also a key leader?
As Moses and Aaron’s sister, Miriam helped guide the Israelites during their long journey through the desert.
Miriam was a prophetess and worship leader. She led the women in praise after crossing the Red Sea.
Her song in Exodus 15:21 celebrates God’s amazing rescue of His people:
Sing to the Lord,
for he is highly exalted.
Both horse and driver
he has hurled into the sea.
Throughout their journey, Miriam provided spiritual and practical leadership. She helped the people of Israel stay connected to God during even the most difficult of times.
Miriam teaches us that worship and faith can lift spirits even in tough situations.
She wasn’t perfect, but God still used her in big ways. Her life shows us that the Lord can work through anyone who’s willing to serve Him.
Family, Widowhood, and Legacy
The Word of God tells stories of women who shaped history through their families and left lasting legacies. These women faced challenges like widowhood but showed incredible faith and strength.
The Matriarchs’ Influence
Sarah’s story shows how you can impact generations.
As Abraham’s wife, she became the mother of nations. Even in old age, Sarah had Isaac, fulfilling God’s promise.
Ruth’s dedication to her mother-in-law Naomi is inspiring.
After becoming a widow, Ruth chose to stay with Naomi. Her famous words “Where you go, I will go” demonstrate her loyalty.
These women teach you about:
- Faith in God’s promises
- Loyalty to family
- Perseverance through hardship
Their influence continues today through their descendants and the lessons from their lives.
The Shunammite Woman’s Faith
The Shunammite woman’s story in 2 Kings 4 shows how our faith can bring miracles.
This unnamed woman offered hospitality to the prophet Elisha. She built a room for him in her house.
When her only son died, she didn’t give up hope. She went straight to Elisha for help and because of her faith, God brought her son back to life.
Her actions teach us to:
- Be generous
- Have strong faith
- Take action in hard times
Even without a name, her legacy of faith and hospitality lives on. We can learn from her example of trusting God in impossible situations.

Empowering the Next Generation
The Bible offers powerful examples of women who can inspire young women today. These stories show how faith and courage can shape individual lives, families, communities, and even history.
Mentorship for Young Women
You can play a big role in guiding young women to become strong women! The Bible offers great examples of godly women mentoring one another.
For example, consider how Naomi taught Ruth about faith and family in the Old Testament…or how Elizabeth supported Mary during her pregnancy in the New Testament.
Proverbs 31:26 says of the ideal godly woman, “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” This verse shows how important it is to share wisdom.
Here are some ways you can mentor a young woman in the faith:
- Share your experiences
- Listen without judging
- Offer gentle advice
- Pray together
- Encourage her dreams
Biblical Women as Role Models
The Bible is full of strong women you can look up to. These women faced big challenges but stayed true to their faith.
Deborah was a powerful judge who led her people. She shows you can be both wise and brave.
Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel 1 teaches about the power of prayer. She never gave up hope.
Mary, Jesus’ mother, said yes to God’s plan even when it was scary. She demonstrated great trust and faith.
These women teach us to:
- Stand up for what’s right
- Trust God in hard times
- Use our talents to help others
- Be brave in the face of fear
We can learn from their strength and faith to become role models ourselves.

Want to encourage young girls to become strong women? Girls Can is my award-winning children’s book that celebrates all of the incredible things girls can do while encouraging them that God created them with a purpose in mind! Check it out HERE!
What About Feminism?
No discussion about strong women, biblical or otherwise, would be complete without considering if and where feminism fits in. While feminism is not necessarily a Christian principle, its prevalence in today’s culture makes it a relevant enough topic that we’d be irresponsible not to discuss it!
While many of the foundational beliefs of feminism go against the Word of God, there are a few truths that the Bible agrees on!
What aspects of feminism are supported by the Word of God?
The Bible actually supports several aspects of feminism, particularly the idea of gender equality and the equal dignity of men and women.
- Equal Dignity and Value: The Bible affirms that both men and women are created in the image of God, which implies equal dignity and value.
- Equal Responsibility and Contribution: Scripture assigns important roles and responsibilities to both genders. Strong women of the Bible hold significant positions and contribute to God’s work, reflecting the belief that both men and women are integral to His plan.
- Mutual Respect and Partnership: The Bible promotes the idea of mutual respect and partnership between men and women. This is evident in various passages that highlight the collaborative and complementary roles of both genders in fulfilling God’s purposes.
- Social Justice and Equality: The Word of God also aligns with broader social justice goals, advocating for the care and equality of women as well as those of different nationalities and faiths. (Remember how surprised the disciples were to find Jesus talking to the woman at the well?) This perspective views feminism as part of a broader call to justice and freedom for all within the Christian faith.
What aspects of feminism are supported by the Word of God?
But of course, many aspects of modern feminism are not supported by the Bible, particularly when they conflict with traditional biblical teachings on gender roles and morality.
- Rejection of Traditional Gender Roles: The Bible outlines specific roles for men and women, particularly within marriage and church leadership. For example, passages like Ephesians 5:22-33 emphasize the husband’s responsibility as the head of the household, which contrasts with feminist views that reject hierarchical gender roles.
- Moral and Ethical Issues: Modern feminism often supports issues like abortion rights, sexual freedom, and divorce, which conflict with biblical teachings. For instance, the Bible promotes sexual purity, the sanctity of marriage, and the value of life from conception, all of which are at odds with certain feminist positions.
- Gender-Neutral Language for God: Feminist theology sometimes advocates for using gender-neutral language for God, which contrasts with the traditional biblical portrayal of God using male pronouns. This approach is seen by some as altering the fundamental aspects of biblical revelation and theology.
These points highlight that while the Bible supports gender equality in terms of value and dignity, it does not align with all aspects of modern feminism, particularly those that conflict with its teachings on gender roles, morality, and the nature of God.

Thankfully, we can support young women to be strong, and become strong women ourselves, without departing from biblical beliefs. Using these stories of strong women in the Bible is a fantastic starting point for doing just that!
Read them with your daughters, discuss them with your friends, or study them on your own. But whatever you do, channel your own courage, strength, and faith through their stories!

P.S. Ready to study strong women of the Bible on a deeper level and learn how to apply their lessons to your day-to-day life? Then be sure to pick up a copy of Word-ly Women for just $5 today! Study it on your own or with friends!
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